Directory Opus: The Tool You Should Be Using (But Aren’t)

Shane R. Monroe
27 min readAug 13, 2019

Warning: Power user geek talk ahead. Strap in.

At first look, Directory Opus could easily be mistaken for “just another file manager”.

The resemblance between this tool and yours is totally superficial …

There are many of them around, too. It seems the “enhanced file manager” concept finally started taking off and there are no less than a half a dozen, fairly well-known file managers floating around out there. Despite this fact, Directory Opus (Dopus from now on) still remains a mystery to most people — largely due to the fact that it costs money while so many other ones are free.

I’ve always said that file management software is a lot like anti-virus software and I think it is true now more than ever. People believe both products should be free — that somehow they are entitled to quality versions of these products.

Many people don’t believe they need either one.

Microsoft has “freebies” (one included in Windows, one you have to add on manually) and folks just seem to think that they are “good enough”. Lastly, both products end up being just as good as you pay for.

Don’t take this to mean that there are not quality free file managers out there. But nothing touches the complete file system utility that Dopus provides to the user. I’ve often called Dopus the…



Shane R. Monroe

I write, blog, record and review anything that interests me — including humanity, parenting, gizmos & gadgets, video games and media.